Nov 12, 2014
Rich Hall is to comedy what Johnny Cash is to country music.
The man is a living legend, having won Emmys for his writing for David Lettermen, was on SNL and Not Necessarily The News, he invented his own language with Snigglets and he won the grand prize at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2000.
For me personally, Rich Hall has been a great friend and someone I look up to who inspires me, especially with the amount of comedy ass he still kicks. Internationally respected and adored everywhere microphones are plugged in.
When I filmed Viva Vietnam for Comedy Central years ago I could bring one writer with me and I chose Rich. We bonded in 'Nam baby! I've been to visit him in Montana 3 times and I would not know the unbridled glory that is Montana had it not been for Rich. After Rich moved to London he encouraged me to come over because he thought I would do well there. Not only did he coach me on the right chess moves to getting in with London but for 5 years he let me keep a key to his phenomenal flat on Fitzroy Square.
From London I got to springboard to the world so it is safe to say that all of the amazing life I have got to lead might not have happened had it not been for my friendship with Rich. Not only have I been inspired to watch him work and see where his career path choices have taken him but he has also been kind of a wise Buddha to me. Or better yet he is Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Hank Williams and Lee Marvin to me. He is one of the heroes of my life and I am eternally grateful that in a world filled with so many full of shit people I made friends with Rich Hall and that our worldwide golden experiences together continue to multiply.
We recorded this conversation while we were both doing the Galway Comedy Carnival festival last month on a blustery cold grey day inside the Salt Hill hotel. He is an American comedy gunslinger badass who ain't the one who would ever leave town before the shooting started and it is my pleasure to present to you now the one and only Rich Hall!
Intro song: Cutting Room (Hot Pants) – Oceanliners
Stand-up clip from YouTube: Rich Hall: Why I hate the Tea Party - Live at the Apollo - Series 7 - BBC Comedy Greats
Stand-up clip from YouTube: Rich Hall - Dirty South - Biopic Clip.wmv
End song: She Left Me For Jesus – Hayes Carll
Recorded at The Salthill Hotel in Galway, Ireland, October 2014