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Tom Rhodes Smart Camp

Tom Rhodes Smart Camp is a festival of ideas, knowledge, stories, books & adventures. 

I have been a comedian for more than 39 years. I travel the world doing comedy. 
Whenever I can I will share my adventures with you on this Tom Rhodes Smart Camp podcast.

My amazing creative partner and ex-wife Ashna is my best friend. We are a mom & pop business and with her help I will putting out these episodes with all the wisdom I have gained in my life and telling you all of my greatest adventures while traveling the world. 

Thank you for your generosity and for joining the Rhodesies club. You are in my heart forever!

May 21, 2014

This episode was recorded in Minneapolis.

In the future if we are lucky every comedian will be more like Ted Alexandro.

Not only funny but passionate about knowledge and politically active.

I am a fan of Ted Alexandro because whenever I see him perform he is talking about things that matter and putting his unique opinion on world events.

He is the kind of comedian I like the most in that he is the kind of comedian you learn things from, one that makes you see a topic from a different way you hadn't seen.

He studied music and taught music before becoming a comedian and teaching seems to infuse most every act that he commits artistically.

He will forever be enshrined in the comedy history books for starting the movement that led to the New York City comedy clubs to raise the pay for comedians from the paltry 20 dollars a set they had paid for years. 

Ted was heavily involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement from the beginning and it is not only a driving force in his life it reflects creatively in his comedy. 

He has a web series called Teacher's Lounge that stars many greats of American comedy. Ted is universally loved and respected. He is an exciting performer because anything could happen to him, be it film, television or the mind welding of our video future. I think he and his family should be studied scientifically so that more people can turn out just like him. 

It is my pleasure to present to you the one & only Ted Alexandro.